Product & Packaging Design
Working with electronics engineers to understand the technical requirements as well as balancing user needs, a range of IoT hardware products were created for the DIY electronics hobbyist and enthusiast market.

As Design Director, I applied branding guidelines to products and packaging materials and communicated initial concepts through sketches and digital illustrations.

Stages of product iteration showing early 3D print prototypes to final case design.

The images below show final packaging desings created in Adobe Illustrator with the final box photos. Please click for a detail view.

The images below show the box and product together. The third image is the Starter Bundle package that includes two Q-Clients and one Q-Server.

Sketches were integral in packaging development shown below, together with product illustrations showing measurements and printed elements included with the Starter Bundle.

The Starter Bundle also included a 3-fold brochure (shown below), designed to the exact dimensions of the sleeve that provides an overview of the Quantum IoT platform.

The Q-Server includes a quick start guide, shown below. Click for detail view.

To see the unboxing of the Starter Bundle, please view the short video below.
Products also included a Starter Kit. Click the image below for detail view.

Packaging in the form of a metalized bag and branded cardboard wrap was also designed for eight DIY kits. Click the image below for detailed view.